Making New York's Steuben County #1 for wind energy

Project details

wind turbines
homes powered by green electricity
New York State has set the goal of generating 70% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

Baron Winds I was proposed, with a plan to place 32 wind turbines in the towns of Cohocton, Dansville, and Wayland in Steuben County. The wind farm would generate up to 122 MW of electricity.

Baron Winds I was one of 26 projects to receive an award from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) as part of its 2017 Renewable Energy Standard Solicitation.

Baron Winds is a testament to the incredible progress we can make together in New York State in pursuit of a zero-emissions grid.
Doreen M. Harris, President and CEO, NYSERDA  

Providing engineering design and compliance documentation

RWE retained Mott MacDonald to provide detailed design and engineering for the project. Our scope included the design of the 34.5-kV electrical collection system, the 34.5- to 230-kV substation (electrical, protection and controls, civil, and structural), and the 230-kV underground transmission line to the point of interconnection.

Our team also performed system studies and prepared compliance documentation for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.

Leading in green energy production

Construction of Baron Winds I began in May 2021, employing more than 300 people in the local community. The wind farm achieved commercial operation and was connected to the New York grid in 2022.

Baron Winds I has made Steuben County the largest onshore generator of wind energy in New York State, producing enough green electricity to power 50,000 US homes.