A roadmap for biodiversity net gain

Prosperous societies and economies depend on thriving and resilient ecosystems. Join Mott MacDonald and leading experts for a new podcast series, Nature Positive: The Inside Story, on the role of nature in infrastructure with leading insights on emerging best practice, career paths and lasting benefits for people and planet. 

Nature positive - the inside story

How can policymakers ensure biodiversity net gain (BNG) succeeds in incentivisng nature positive action? In our second episode, the Green Finance Institute’s Phoebe Tucker, its senior nature associate, joins our host, Mott MacDonald’s Julia Baker. Together, they look at the Green Finance Institute’s BNG Roadmap for Action, and the pathway forward for meeting important objectives like establishing new biodiversity markets.  

Their conversation breaks down how an effective market for biodiversity net gain can be structured, and the role it can play in helping more organisations and people to take practical action. Looking at the opportunities and challenges for policymakers as BNG regulations mature, Phoebe highlights the key issues to watch out for in the months and years to come.

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About our guest

Phoebe Tucker focuses on the UK’s implementation of nature markets, including voluntary carbon and Biodiversity Net Gain. She leads market engagement to identify the solutions and enabling market conditions that allow projects to access private finance. This culminated in the launch of the Investment Readiness Toolkit and the Farmers’ Toolkit for Assessing Nature Market Opportunities. Alongside this work, she is an advisor and assessor to the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund (NEIRF) in England and the Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (FIRNS).

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