Carbon Crunch Report 2024: Auckland

For our second annual Aotearoa Carbon Crunch event, we took a holistic approach to decarbonising infrastructure, connecting with the supply chain on meaningful action. Dive into our report to check out the conversations happening in the boardroom and practical examples of decarbonisation efforts in concrete, steel and construction.
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Carbon Crunch 2024: Auckland

Climate change is having a devastating impact on communities around the world. Raging wildfires, intense rainfall and unprecedented flooding are increasingly dominating the news. 

Preserving our climate is the responsibility of both the individual and collective, requiring every one of us to act with intention and unity. In the infrastructure sector, we have a huge potential to make a difference, and our Carbon Crunch events are a platform to keep the climate conversation front of mind. To decarbonise the infrastructure supply chain, we must work together to transform our infrastructure systems, innovate and build resilience for future generations. 

For our second annual Aotearoa Carbon Crunch event, we took a holistic approach to decarbonising infrastructure, connecting with the supply chain on meaningful action. To do so, we partnered with Local Government New Zealand, Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC) and the Institute of Directors, Chapter Zero to share industry leaders’ knowledge. 

Our presenters shared their experience across the whole industry, from the conversations happening in the boardroom, to what is now expected during design and construction. Practical examples of decarbonisation efforts in concrete, steel and construction were shared to inspire the industry to keep moving towards net zero and consider nature-based solutions as a catalyst for transformation.