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As a regulated business, UK Power Networks is seeking ways to realise efficiencies within their capital delivery programme and BIM was identified as key to streamlining the delivery process, within an overall objective of achieving a 10% cost saving throughout the eight years of the current price control period.
We were appointed to develop a strategic roadmap in order to integrate BIM into UK Power Networks’ capital delivery programme, with the objective of reducing the time and improving quality with which new assets are delivered.
Our work began by examining existing BIM practice; we did this by engaging with over 20 stakeholders within the business and met with key partners to ensure our roadmap would work for the supply chain and newly emerging delivery teams.
In a context of transformation such as the one UK Power Networks is going through, he team has been able to analyse and elaborate priorities, effectively aligning strategic objectives to an actionable high-level plan for the implementation of BIM best practice.Allan PonsonbyHead of engineering design, UK Power Networks
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