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In 2022, Thailand’s national oil and gas company PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP), the upstream arm of PTT Group, announced plans to conduct a feasibility study on establishing a CCS hub for its eastern seaboard operational sites in Rayong and Chonburi provinces, with the objective of reducing Group emissions and those of nearby industries.
PTTEP commissioned Mott MacDonald to deliver a feasibility study on its proposed hub project. The study was completed in November 2023, and PTTEP will now use our findings to help set out the project’s next steps.
Our study was split into two parts, the first covered project framing to identify preliminary operating scenarios and potential business models. The second consisted of an engineering feasibility study for the entire CCS project chain, including a hub, selected CO2 emitters, onshore transport and storage networks, and offshore transport and injection facilities.
Six different scenarios were developed and reviewed in terms of their engineering feasibility and approximate total costs. The study outcome identified that a CCS hub in PTT Group’s seaboard operational base would most align with PTTEP’s objectives: potential for expansion and comparative economic value.
The preferred option would enable CO2 from emitters in both Rayong and Chonburi provinces to be captured via onshore pipelines.
Our team brought vast knowledge and experience of the CCS value chain, a strong focus on net zero and decarbonisation, as well as extensive involvement helping oil and gas sector clients globally navigate accelerated change to this project. Our approach was tailored to enabling PTTEP and its stakeholders to get a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and risks associated with utilising CCS to reduce the carbon footprint of existing assets.
The CCS hub project will not only deliver a solution for the PTT Group’s decarbonisation ambitions, but also provide a foundation for expansion to serve other industrial emitters, which is crucial for Thailand to achieve its net-zero goal.
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