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We’re helping to design and deliver an ambitious carbon reduction programme for Heathrow Airport, as it moves towards net zero by 2050.
The decarbonisation of aviation is one of society's most complex challenges and is a central element of Heathrow Airport’s business strategy. The UK’s biggest airport has set a carbon reduction target of 2.3 million tonnes by end of 2026.
Mott MacDonald was appointed as Programme Designer to shape and deliver Heathrow’s H7 Carbon and Sustainability Programme, (which runs throughout the H7 regulatory period, 2022-26) and to help transform the business.
We built a multi-disciplinary team drawing on expertise from across aviation, wider transportation, and energy sectors. We bring knowledge in how to design, integrate and develop decarbonised energy systems incorporating renewables, storage, decarbonisation of heat, and vehicle charging.
We are advising on energy transition, operational and embodied carbon, future fuels, behavioural change, data and digital and smart systems among many other areas. We’re working with Heathrow and its wider stakeholders to drive sustainable aviation globally and share best practice as we help to design, manage and integrate their decarbonisation programme in the years ahead.
The Carbon and Sustainability Programme will see Heathrow invest around £200m over five years; there are over 20 projects covering surface access, energy, airport operations, heat decarbonisation and data transformation, contributing to near term carbon reduction goals and laying the plans to achieve net zero by 2050.
As a result of this programme, Heathrow will significantly transform its business and supply chains, incorporating new commercial and delivery models and new ways of working. Carbon and sustainability considerations will be further embedded into decision making, procurement and project design. As a leading hub airport, Heathrow is likely to inspire others to follow suit in building an all-encompassing energy transformation programme to ensure a sustainable aviation future.
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