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Information Integrity Services, the newest offering in our suite of digital solutions, is a powerful GIS-based service for organizing and visualizing information. It provides a powerful tool for gas, water/wastewater, and electric utilities who need to know exactly where their infrastructure is.
Information Integrity Services allows utilities to post as-built documents into their GIS systems, and to perform quality control audits on those systems. A major gas utility in the southern US used Information Integrity Services to develop a plan to review over one million as-built documents, move gas lines to within an accuracy of two feet, add new gas lines, and update any missing geographic information system (GIS) attributes. The quality of its annual regulatory reports increased drastically.
Information Integrity Services is a document management, advanced reporting, and work management solution. It can be used to manage projects and assets throughout the lifecycle, across a wide range of industries. Services are often integrated into Moata Geospatial (formerly Fieldbook), providing a seamless end-to-end solution.
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