Industrialized design and construction

Modern ways to deliver the built environment.

To improve productivity and predictability and address skills shortages, construction must move away from project-by-project delivery. Industrialized design and construction can help. 

Projects that use standard systems that can be efficiently manufactured at scale and easily deployed many times using repeatable processes are safer and more efficient to build, resulting in lower capital costs and less waste.

What can we do for you?

We are the leading provider of industrialized design and construction services, which reliably deliver faster, safer, and smarter outcomes for you — and for society too. 

Through strategic approaches to industrialization, such as design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA), modern methods of construction (MMC), and product platforms that balance repeatability with variability, we aim to improve productivity, increase predictability, and overcome the time, cost, and labor challenges facing the built environment and infrastructure sector. 


By combining DfMA and MMC, we can introduce economies of repetition, workforce specialization, repeatable processes, the optimal selection and use of materials, and continuous improvement. These will increase the value of what is produced, and reduce the time and resources required to produce it, helping to significantly raise productivity.

Platform approaches

We are leading experts in product platforms, using core repeatable components, standardized processes and relationships, while also retaining the flexibility to meet a variety of user needs and the requirements of specific sites. 

Supply chains

Through early engagement and digital technology, we work with suppliers and contractors to adopt industrialized approaches and collaborate effectively. Our in-house Integrated Process Excellence (IPEX) approach considers all aspects of project and program lifecycles to give the supply chain the confidence to invest in developing new systems and delivery models that will meet client demand.

Carbon and circularity

Industrialized design and construction present a huge opportunity to reduce embodied and operational carbon, while enabling circularity to optimize resource use and minimize waste. We work with you to design out waste at every stage of the project lifecycle, embedding best practice on energy and resource use into new standards, extending asset life through ease of maintenance and flexibility, and promoting continuous improvement.

Services we provide

Industrialized design solutions for construction efficiency

We provide a range of services to help you realize the benefits from industrialized design and construction.

Our experience

  • GenZero Schools, UK
    We responded to a challenge from the UK’s Department for Education to design the next generation of schools by developing prototypes for net zero schools that can be produced through offsite construction. Based on these models, we helped to deliver 90 primary schools using offsite solutions in just five years. Components are designed to align with decarbonization ambitions and a need for flexible and cost-effective solutions, providing better spaces and greener places for both students and staff.
  • Grafham water treatment works, UK
    We provided detail design and digital services on this award-winning project, which included a new 44Ml service reservoir made from precast concrete modules for the walls, columns, beams, and roof. These were manufactured offsite and stitched together onsite, saving time and improving safety. The structure is the largest precast concrete reservoir in Anglian Water’s network.
  • HS2 rail bridges, West Midlands, UK
    Where the UK’s new HS2 high-speed route crosses three existing lines in the West Midlands, we designed bridges that were constructed offline and moved into position in just hours, causing minimal disruption to existing services. The bridges, each weighing up to 6,200 tons, were either picked up and wheeled into position or slid and hauled into place using powerful jacks.
  • New Hospital Program, UK
    On this program to deliver a range of new or upgraded National Health Service facilities, we are leading the interim delivery partner team on transformational design (such as digitalization and standardization) and program management. We’ve also worked with a wide range of subcontractors to develop a set of parts and, through a specific industrialization workstream, test the viability of components for mass production and effective integration to reduce costs and achieve the program’s ambitions for climate sustainability.
  • Northern Line Extension, London, UK
    On this 1.9-mile (3-km) extension to the Charing Cross branch of London Underground’s Northern Line, connecting an area previously poorly served by public transportation, we combined digital tools and alternative construction solutions to deliver the line and design two new stations. Design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) was used extensively on the extension. Working closely with the contractor, we developed modeling best practice guidance and a series of underlying design protocols to ensure the benefits of DfMA were maximized.
  • Pensacola International Airport, Florida, USA
    We provided Pensacola International Airport with a plan to replace their existing terminal flooring. The new flooring integrated into existing visual themes and was installed with minimal disruption to travelers. Disposing of the existing flooring could have had a serious impact on a landfill; instead we worked with the carpet manufacturers’ recycling program, with thousands of square feet sent back to them, where they turned the materials into new carpet tiles. The project received a Gold Design Excellence Award in the Institution Category from ALDesign Magazine.
  • Sydney Fish Market, Australia
    We provided structural, civil, and marine engineering and technical advice for the redevelopment of this cultural landmark. By designing for manufacture and assembly, many construction elements have been manufactured offsite, making it easier to assemble onsite and limiting disruption to the local community. The roof, a lumber grid shell structure, is comprised of more than 400 preassembled modules. The roof supports a 108,000-sq.-ft (10,000-sq.-m) array of photovoltaic solar panels.

Intelligent Content

Intelligent Content provides a managed library of information-rich, parametric BIM objects that can be reused instead of recreated, and optimized with each successive use. A team of experts creates and quality-checks all objects, reducing model development time and enabling the rapid prototyping of designs.