We take a comprehensive, connected approach to safety and well-being, which means we focus equally on emotional and physical aspects.
We have a duty of care for our people, our clients, and our partners, and that starts with creating a trusting, open environment — a place where everyone sets a positive example, no matter their background.
Different emotional and mental states can impact physical safety risk levels —especially in dynamic environments, which ours often are. We set out to explore this connection with a powerful colleague challenge. Check it out below.
Our people are at the heart of everything we do, so we put everything into creating a culture where they can reach their full potential.
When Cathy Travers, our Global Managing Director accepted the Executive Sponsor Award, she said:
I want to acknowledge all of you, the hidden heroes across our company who champion a culture of wellbeing every day. It makes me immensely proud to know how much we care about the wellbeing of our colleagues, and how committed we are to making a difference for the benefit of our people, our company, and our clients.Group managing director
We invest in a team of workplace well-being champions, offering ongoing support, training, and tools to make sure everyone has what they need to spread the word about wellness at work.
By proactively promoting campaigns, running local activities, and supporting people across the world, this community plays a huge part in developing our culture. Any employee can apply, and we actively encourage our leaders to get involved and set a shining example.
We're committed to making sure no one is exposed to potential harm in our workplace. This proactive, zero harm approach gives us valuable insight into our health and safety practices, helping us work out where we can do even better.
Great things can happen when we share learning and knowledge among ourselves and across the industry — from spreading the word about best practice to raising the bar for safety and well-being.
We worked with The Association of Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) to produce and co-author Managing well-being risk — a practical guide for the engineering consultancy sector. The paper sets out a framework for managing well-being risk in our industry and is full of case studies from organizations of all different sizes. It will guide organizations to support the well-being of their people, no matter where they are on that journey.
Catch up on key points and hear expert insights from the launch of our Managing Well-being Risk webinar.
Improving health, safety, and well-being culture for our clients, our people, and society through making a difference, unlocking opportunities, and enabling excellence.
Our team of health, safety, and well-being professionals work across sectors globally, providing fully integrated solutions to add value for our clients at every step.