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Meet some of our passionate problem-solvers, constructive creatives and inspiring innovators
Don’t be afraid to put your hand up. New opportunities can be intimidating and it’s easy to feel like you’re not good enough, but the reality is, the people around you want you to succeed.
To me, the people and the projects are what sets Mott MacDonald apart from other companies. We have some of the best people working here, many of whom I feel honoured to call friends, and we have world class projects. Working in that environment definitely keeps things challenging and interesting!
I picked tunnel engineering more through good luck than good management – I knew I enjoyed being outdoors, I loved rocks, and I liked challenging design problems. Tunnel engineering offers all of that, as well as opportunities to travel and work with some really incredible people.
Challenging, fun, and family
With projects getting more complex, we have to build in more challenging areas – to do that properly, we not only need to understand the technical challenges associated with the design, but also the potential social, environmental and archaeologic impacts as well. Understanding those and working with a multi-disciplinary team to mitigate these impacts helps us deliver projects that are not only right for our clients, but also help protect the communities we serve.
My career has taken me in some really interesting directions – from an engineer in training to a technical lead, project manager, team leader, client account lead, and now a Group lead. Most of the positions I’ve had haven’t existed before I’ve done them, which keeps work fun and challenging.
Don’t be afraid to put your hand up. New opportunities can be intimidating and it’s easy to feel like you’re not good enough, but the reality is, the people around you want you to succeed. By putting your hand up and seizing that opportunity, you’re able to “stretch” a little and learn something new – whether it’s a new client, a project, or a way of working.
I’ve been lucky enough to see a lot of the world through my job – many of the world’s most impressive tunnels are in Europe, so I’ve been fortunate enough to visit projects in the UK, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Austria.
I’m extremely proud of the way our team brought the Stanley Park Water Supply Tunnel from concept to construction. Getting this far has required an incredible amount of focus from everyone involved, and I feel honoured to have had the opportunity to lead this incredible team.
I am an active organiser and mentor in Mott MacDonald’s global network of early career professionals, helping younger staff advance their careers by connecting with other people across the business and building their skills.
We are looking for enthusiastic, inspiring, and committed people to join our growing team.