Education systems in low and middle income countries face complex interconnected challenges that require system wide change.
National policy reform needs to go hand in hand with improvements to school governance, inclusion, teacher training, quality assurance, community and parental engagement, and building local government capacity.
This requires interventions based on evidence of what works from across a wide portfolio of projects and the use of robust systems to assess progress and demonstrate results.
For more than 40 years, our specialist education consultancy, Cambridge Education, has been working with partners to build stronger education systems in countries across Asia and Africa.
Build resilience
We help build strong education systems that can achieve lasting improvements in educational opportunities and learning outcomes for all children. We remove barriers to change at national, regional, local, school and community levels by addressing multidimensional challenges such as gender inequality, disability inclusion, violence in schools and climate resilience.
Develop local talent
Our focus on attracting and retaining local country education experts helps us to deliver successful and sustainable improvements in education systems by carrying knowledge of the policy and education environment from one project to the next over many years and even decades.
Strengthen data systems
We improve monitoring and evaluation within education systems by establishing robust processes for collecting, sharing and analysing data. This leads to better informed decisions about how to scale up projects and direct resources where they are most needed.
Share knowledge
We apply lessons learned from a large portfolio of projects in low and middle income countries to remove barriers to high quality education. We share insights about how and why interventions drive change, what reduces their impact and what does not change.
Social inclusion
We work with government partners to build inclusive education systems that address the needs of marginalised groups, drive empowerment and improve equity across society.
The Girls' Education South Sudan programme is helping girls overcome barriers to staying in school and performing well.
We use our expertise, country knowledge and programme delivery capability to develop, test and scale up solutions to complex education challenges.
We test and adapt education programmes in countries across Asia and Africa, removing social and economic barriers to quality education for all children. Our programmes include: