Parivash Shams-Abadi

Structural engineer


Describe what the Mott Mac Life means to you in three words

Our business is: welcoming, supportive and collaborative.  

Tell us about your specialism and why you chose it

Thinking about the mark we leave on our planet is something I care a lot about, and it was one of my main drivers in initially applying for an internship at Motts. Another reason was the opportunity to work for a global firm with high-profile / exciting projects from early on in my career. 

I joined as an intern where I moved between teams and sectors – I suppose I hadn’t really figured out what I wanted to do with a Civil & Architectural Degree. Looking back on this, this was a great way to meet staff across the business and get a lay of the lands.  

Now, four years down the track I work as a structural engineer across both the buildings and bridges space. My latest job involved upgrading a series of train stations to ensure compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). This meant new lift-accessible footbridges, platform raising works, accessible parking and a lot more. These upgrades aimed to support commuters using the network with mobility devices, hearing/vision impairments, prams, luggage, seniors etc. Through making these stations better accessible to all, I truly felt that I delivered a project that had mine and Motts’ value of Social Outcomes at its core. 

What do you enjoy about working here?

The culture and the people (and the amazing view the Adelaide Office has). The Adelaide office is really one big extended family. Everyone has been welcoming from day one and is always willing to lend a helping hand. My team always makes me feel valued, and my voice is heard. Here in Adelaide, there isn’t a strong sense of hierarchy. Everyone, from interns to technical directors to state managers connect and interact on a regularly which I think is a really important factor in making everyone at all levels feel a part of the greater Mott MacDonald team.

Where in the world has your role taken you?

A passion of mine has always been connecting with people and so not long after I joined Motts as a grad, I sought this out with the Early Careers Professionals (ECP) committee. I started as a Local office rep, then became the APNA ECP Steering Committee (SC) chair and eventually joined the Global ECP SC. This journey took me to Birmingham, England for the EUNA ECP day. It was an amazing experience where I got to meet people I had worked with online for the past year and finally got to see them beyond a screen. It was a great opportunity to see how the EUNA side of the business operates and interact with colleagues I would not have met otherwise. We spent a day workshopping the theme of Collaboration and heard from many of the amazing senior leadership members in EUNA on how we can better collaborate on a team level and at a group level.

What have you learnt while working at Mott MacDonald?

So much, where does one even begin. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned so far is to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come. When I find myself doubting, I remind myself to look back at the progress I’ve made over the past four years at Motts. Even just a few weeks ago, there were tasks or calculations I didn’t know how to handle that I can now tackle.